We found out about an awesome side trip to see whales up close from our friends John, Cindy and Journey on S/V Namaste. February 16 we rented a car with Theresa and Niko from S/V Savarona and we all hit the road north out of La Paz. In a few short hours of driving we were out of La Paz and passed by many of the scenic anchorages and towns along the Sea of Cortez coast that took us weeks of sailing south to pass. In the late afternoon, we arrived at our nearly deluxe accommodations at Hotel Posada.
We had dinner in town at one of the two small restaurants and hit the sack early for the morning drive to see whales.

The whole crew loaded up in the panga ready to go whale watching. From Left to right in the back row: Theresa, Natalie, John, Nate (Me), Rose and Cindy. Front row: Sully, Niko and Journey

Sully had fun riding the boat and sometimes watched the whales. Mainly he was interested in eating snacks.

Our road trip to San Ignacio took us through weeks of sailing. It was fun to reminisce our cruise through familiar towns like Santa Rosalia.

Driving past Conception Bay and the anchorage at Playa Santispac where we anchored for my birthday the previous fall

While we were driving through Loreto we saw a familiar boat anchored off the town so we invited Margie and Chuck from S/V Dream Catcher out to lunch. It was cool to see them one last time after meeting them while cruising in Canada in 2011.
We made it back to La Paz and continued preparing Astraea for sale and storage at the dock in Marina de La Paz.