There’s been a lot of boat work going on Astraea’s decks and not a lot of blogging. Here’s the latest scoop:
All the wood is off and the decks have been faired smooth!

The coaming is a lip that used to go around the edge of the cockpit seating area to hold the teak in place

I filled the holes in the coaming and all the screw head holes with West System Epoxy and 407 fairing filler

Close up of the fairing. The tools used were tongue depressors for smoothing and plastic syringes for injecting
At the end of the project I’ll tell more about the whole process, but removing your own decks is NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART.

Drilling holes in the sail track prior to priming and painting to ensure they go back in the same place they came out. I filled the holes with epoxy to prevent any leaks from damaging the plywood core of the deck.
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