Sully’s 2nd birthday! My mom made Sully an angelfood cake

Playing tractors with Lizze

Playing tractors with Sully’s Great Grandpa

Playing with big tractors in the basement. Sully calls tractors “gowa”

Playing at the Loganville park

Playing with Nana Kraft at the park

Running up the to cross the street to the ball field

Sully’s safe at home base

Playing with my old farm toys

Taking a pedal car ride with Pappy

Tractor riding with Pappy

Sully wants to drive


Smoked hot dogs

Daddy Sully tractor time

Visiting Steam in to History’s new train in New Freedom, PA

Sully rode with Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Ness

Riding the train with Natalie, Sully, Great Grandma Ness, Nana and Pappy

Train riding with Great Grandpa and Grandma Ness

Riding the train with my Grandpa, Rodger Ness

Sully took a trip to Perrydell with Nana and Pappy

Looking in where they milk the cows

Visiting while the cows feed

Swimming at Uncle Barry and Scott’s pool

Playing Noah’s Ark at Great Grandma and Grandpa Kraft’s

Visiting Aunt Lisa’s pond

Searching for frogs

Koku and Pappy hanging out under the new truck topper

Visiting my cousin Amy and her baby girl Abby

… and Olivia

We had lots of fun playing together

Sully took naps in the story corner

Then we rode Karl’s new old tractor at the Vineyard at Frogeye

We fed pigs

and towed Uncle Karl and the wagon around

Walking down to the pond at Nicole and Karl’s with Lizze, Sully, me and Pappy

Sitting on the dock fishing with Pappy

Natalie and I dropping Lizze off at the airport
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