Our first stop south was in Columbus, GA. We stayed with Natalie’s Grandparents and had a good visit and as always, Gramma made great homemade food.

Visiting Flat Rock Park with Aunt Tracy

We visited a nearby pumpkin patch and took a spooky hay ride through the woods with Gramma and Grampa Ferring

We visited the Heritage Walk Pavers at the National Infantry Museum commemorating military service in the Ferring family including Grampa Ferring, LTC Theodore Ferring, Jr INF/AVN/FAO US Army Retired, LCDR Theodore Ferring III Marine Safety USCG Retired, Todd Ferring LTC Infantry USAR and Timothy Ferring Command Sergeant Major USAR Retired

Vicky surprised us with a Pirate Cruise from John’s Pass!

It was fun to get out on the water with Vicky and Grandma Klement and I didn’t have to sail the boat!

At the end of the cruise the kids searched for plastic gold galleons and got pirate beards and scars painted on their faces
It was a good visit and we’re looking forward to sailing our boat through the Gulf of Mexico to anchor near Tampa.
Our last night in Tampa we took Sully on a car ride to fall asleep for his nap before dinner and our car broke down. The serpentine belt broke. Luckily we were able to get it towed to a shop where they replaced the belt. The new belt snapped off too! The mechanics found that the power steering pump was loose, so they tightened it down and we made the long drive to Norfolk, VA on November 6.
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