After two fun days exploring the beaches and red rocks of Puerto Los Gatos, we hauled the anchor up and headed north towards Bahia Agua Verde on April 21st. Nate decided to try out our drifter again (we hadn’t used it since our trip down Baja towards Cabo). This time instead of dropping the jib from the roller furler and attaching the drifter through the track, he flew it loose luffed (the front of the sail is not connected) and it was much easier to work with.

With the drifter up it increased our speed motorsailing by about a knot and a half. The sail shape wasn’t great but it was easy!
We arrived in Bahia Agua Verde and because our dinghy motor was on the fritz, we anchored right in front of the main beach by town. We wanted easy access to walk into town to look for kids for Sully to play with.
I didn’t get a good first impression of Agua Verde. The path we chose from the beach to town went right through the town dump. We quickly walked through half burnt piles of trash and wound up at the pig pens.
Past the pigs we found a very small tienda and got a few snacks and beers. We continued down the road and found the local preschool and park – half working swings and see-saws surrounded by buried painted tires. Sully did a little jumping on the tires and then we decided to keep walking through town looking for kids.
Fishing is the business in Agua Verde, and since we were anchored right in front of the beach were all the fishing pangas come in and out, Nate decided to leave our cockpit lights on all night so we wouldn’t get hit. That night I kept waking up because of a weird noise. It sounded like something really big was bumping and splashing against the boat. The next day we found hundreds of tiny shrimp dried on the hull. We think the cockpit light was attracting all kinds of sea creatures and something big was trying to get those little shrimps that were clinging to our boat.
Nate wanted to stay and explore more at Agua Verde, but I was ready to move on. The wind was coming from the same direction of a bird poop coated rock and it was stinky. We headed to Puerto Escondido for showers and paved roads for Sully’s motorcycle (okay, and the internet would be nice, too!).
For the story behind Puerto Escondido, read this post from Bumfuzzle about what happened here.

We took a dinghy ride through the deserted canals and let Sully drive for most of it. Crazy toddler drivers!
Since we arrived in Isla San Fransisco, we were in the throws of potty training with Sully. There were a lot of accidents and training pants hanging out to dry on the life lines, but he really was getting the hang of going on the potty. Every time he went pee in the potty he got to put a sticker on his sticker page. I told him that when all the stickers from two sheets were on the page I’d make hi m a chocolate cake. The last sticker went on in Puerto Escondido, so that night we all had chocolate cake for dessert.