We enjoyed spreading out at Natalie’s Dad’s house in Cornville, Arizona. It was nice to sleep in a king sized bed and have a nice long shower to wash away our long bus ride. We took time to visit the nearby community park in Cottonwood and go to the neighborhood pool.

Sully had fun splashing in the shallow end of the pool, sticking his feet in the hot tub and playing squirt gun to water the plants.

Grandpa Ted and Sully opening a present. It was almost Sully’s birthday so Sully got some new portable toy trains.
Part of the reason we’re off the boat was to avoid hurricane season, visit family and friends and go to the east coast to Natalie’s cousin Tina’s wedding. We booked our plane tickets one way so we could have an open ended trip. We planned to fly out of Phoenix on the morning of May 16 (My mom’s birthday, Happy Birthday Mom!) Our plan was interrupted shortly after we left the house when the check tire pressure light came on in the car. There was a fast hiss coming from the rear right tire, we picked up a screw or nail somewhere on the road and had to put on the spare. Luckily, Ted’s brother in law, JB was nearby and brought another car for us to get to the airport. If we drove with the spare on we’d have definitely missed our flight because of the long distance to the airport and being forced to stay under 55 mph.
We made it to the airport an hour before our flight was scheduled to depart and tried to do the curbside checkin thinking it would be faster. Long story short, we missed our flight and had to be rebooked. I later found out that since I’m a United Airway credit card holder we could have gone to the quick check in counter and probably made our flight. Crap! Well, next time we’ll head straight to the express line.
We were late, but it felt great to get to Nicole and Karl’s house in Knoxville, MD (Natalie’s sister’s house) where we stayed and Sully got to play with his cousin Elena.
We stayed there until May 21 when we started the long drive down to Columbia, SC for Tina’s wedding. Luckily the drive was uneventful. We had our old car back (thanks for taking care of the old car for us while we were gone Mom and Dad!) and made the trip without incident.

Natalie, Neal and Nicole with baby Elena. Thanks to Neal for lots of the family photos on wedding weekend!

Visiting the Columbia Zoo. Elena and Sully were well behaved riding together in the double stroller and snacking on slushies and popcorn
Congrats to Tina and Jake on their marriage! Thanks for giving us a great reason to come back to the States!
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