To continue the trend of a post a day we bring you these featured photos from August 14-23, 2015.
From Nicole and Karl’s house in Knoxville, MD.

Sully’s latest thing to do is honk noses. Looks like Elena caught on too. They were saying, “Oh no! My nose!”

Vera floating around with Meme and her Mommy

Nicole and Vera floating around at the neighbor’s pool

Sully likes to make little jumps in to the pool

Sully, MeMe and Baby Vera

Sully’s loving the water now!

At the pool with MeMe

Sully did well on the hike but needed lots of encouragement to keep going. He also wanted to climb EVERY rock we passed

Vera liked looking forward with Nicole while we hiked through the woods

At the top of our Appalachian Trail hike. The viewpoint overlooked the Potomac River towards Charlestown, WV

Uncle Nate, Baby Vera and Aunt Natalie

Adding tasty homemade pierogies to boiling water

Perfect pierogies

Sully’s a little entomologist

Butterflies before we released them. The butterflies ate the banana while they were getting strong enough to fly away.
From Grandma Ness’s 87 birthday party in Loganville, PA. Thank you so much to Uncles Barry and Scott for hosting! It was a blast!

Lounging in the pool while Sully swims

Swimming with the kids

Launching water balloons

Chilling on the back porch at Uncle Barry’s

Neighbors Mary and Bob came by

Grandma Ness with her three grown up kiddos

Uncle Bill’s side of the family

Barry Ness, Scott Raimer, Bill Ness, Kate Ness, Lynn Kraft and Mary Kraft with my Grandma, Beulah Ness

Uncle Barry’s side of the family

My Mom, Mary’s side of the family

Mom, Grandma and my Mom’s cousin Judy

Grandma and her sister Anna

Sully snack time

Grandma with her grandkids

Just chillin’ in the toilet inner tube with the family

Grandma Ness with the Great Grandkids

Jason makes a splash

Loading up rocket engines with Pappy

Three, two, one, BLAST OFF!

Sully and Pappy rode the tractor up to help take down the party tarps
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