We sailed all night long on our way to Santa Rosalía. A few hours before sunrise our boat speed dropped to about two knots and I turned on the motor after we passed Isla Tortuga (Turtle Island). We docked at the Fonatur Marina inside the safe manmade harbor.
When we arrived Cliff and MaryAnn from S/V Carola were the only other cruisers in the harbor.
Santa Rosalía is different than all the other towns in Baja because of it’s foreign influence. It’s main industry was copper mining with the minerals being exported to Europe. Wooden timber was brought in from the Pacific Northwest and machinery imported from Europe. The architecture is different, the streets are paved and there are sidewalks with wheelchair ramps on every corner.

The hospital. Painted outside the building is an encouragement to wash your hands with soap and water. When I took Sully inside the use the public bathroom there wasn’t any soap to be found.

The old mining equipment, a major part of the town’s history, has been preserved in static displays throughout the town

We walked out on the long breakwater around the marina. The breakwater was made from leftover slag from the copper foundry.

This is a close up of the slag from the copper refinery that makes up the breakwater. It looks like obsidian or glass.

It was still very windy when we walked all the way down the malecon. Even on a sailboat there can be too much wind, so we decided to stay in port instead of sailing south.
We had a great five day stay in Santa Rosalía and were happy to get back out of the marina and head south. We sailed south bound for Punta Chivato on our way to Bahía Concepción on November 14th.