After my mom left on December 16th, our schedule was wide open. There were some kid boats in La Paz so the first thing we did was get together for a walk on the Malécon. Sully had tons of fun playing with Jayden and Dillon from s/v Sangvind, Martin and Rumi from s/v Ballena, and Liam and Neli from s/v Riki Tiki Tavi. We’d never seen this many boat kids in La Paz!
Then it was time to get ready for Christmas! Sully only had one thing on his Christmas list – “a rescue helicopter with a hook and a door and a little boat”. If anyone asked him what he wanted for Christmas, that’s what he said. He first saw it at Walmart in Guaymas back in October, and he didn’t stop talking about it. One day he was staring off into space so I asked what he was thinking about. He replied, “Oh Mommy, I’m just thinking about a rescue helicopter with a hook and a door and a little boat. He was like the Ralphie and the BB gun from The Christmas Story! Luckily “Santa” didn’t have any trouble finding one in La Paz.

He put it in the mailbox at Club Cruceros. Someone who collected the mail was nice enough to write a note back to Sully as Santa letting him know that Santa had received his letter, and that Santa knew he was on his boat in La Paz.

Santa found Astraea! We told Sully that Santa’s magic sleigh turned the water around Astraea to ice so he could land his sleigh right next to us.
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