Aboard Astraea

Invest in experiences

November 30, 2011
by Nate

Using your cellphone as an internet connection

Natalie has an unlimited data plan from Verizon Wireless. We can tether her phone to the computer to get internet access wherever we go.

Here are directions for how to get up and running using Tether on a Mac with Android cellphone using only the Android to download files.

Download and save the following files to your phone’s SD card.

Android Software

Mac Software

On your Android phone go to Settings > Applications > Development and check USB debugging. Next on your Android phone go to Settings > Applications and check Applications menu – Unknown sources. Use the Files application to find tether.apk, select it and install it.

Plug in the Android phone to the Mac and make sure the USB connection is set to PC Mode for file transfer. Find the Downloads folder and run tether.dmg on the mac to setup the software.

Next open the Tether program on the Mac and the Tether app on the Android and you should be up and online.

November 29, 2011
by Nate

Surveys are in!

We’ve got the results of two of the surveys for Miles of View. Here are the abbreviated findings:

The boat has been well maintained, but not actively sailed. The teak decks aren’t leaking and the rigging needs to be replaced.

The overall survey was done by Mike Pyzel. He’s a Coast Guard search and rescue veteran and an avid sailor. He walked me through the whole boat.

The rigging survey was done by John Pfarr. He says, replace the rigging and inspect the chainplates.