Aboard Astraea

Invest in experiences

November 5, 2011
by Nate Mobile

Just a walk


Natalie and super speed demon Koku!


Gaps on the railroad tracks


Beautiful day for a walk

Today we took a walk down by the abandoned railroad tracks. We let Koku run off the leash and he had a blast running ahead of us… That is until we made it to a railroad bridge. All he had to walk across then was the railroad ties with gaps in between. Don’t worry, he didn’t fall through and the whole family made it home safely.

October 27, 2011
by Nate Mobile

Making tomato sauce



Last weekend when we ventured up to Santa Barbara to look at the Cheoy Lee for sale we spent the night with family in Lompoc. They have a ranch and garden where we picked lots of organic tomatoes. Tonight Natalie and I cleaned the tomatoes up and made a pasta sauce.

In other news, the offer we made was a lower, hope you’ll take this money and be done with it offer of $47,000. That was countered with an offer of $52,000. We’ll counter that counter with an offer of $50,000 and hopefully call this game quits.