This is my first attempt at posting to the blog from my android phone.
The big move
Our friends Trent and Brittany just moved in to base housing on Coronado and we followed suit on October 1. Well, we didnt’ quite move in to base housing, all we did was pack up our dock box, grab the hose, disconnect shore power, pick up our welcome mat and untie the dock lines. It was a pretty easy motor across the bay to Fiddlers Cove. When we arrived the worst part was talking to Don the dockmaster and getting our slip arranged. I was actually quite disappointed because my paperwork from earlier that week was lost and it was a generally unpleasant experience. After we got the boat settled in and situated we tried the Wi-Fi connection and it didn’t work on our boat. To make a long story short, we really enjoyed living at Pier 32 so we packed up on Tuesday and moved back over. Now we’ve got the fast internet again and all the comforts of home.
I’m satisfied with living on a boat, just not such a small boat because it made it really easy to just pack up and go. Maybe if I had a better way of getting Wi-Fi and the accomadations were nicer onboard we’d have lasted longer. The price at Fiddlers cove can’t be beat, we’re paying an extra $400 a month over at Pier 32, but I feel its money well spent.
Pros for Fiddlers Cove:
Home of Navy Yacht Club
Easy to get a ride to work on Main Base
Cons for Fiddlers Cove:
Poor Wi-Fi reception (low signal strenght and slow)
Very wet
Old wooden docks
1/2 size dock box
Shared hose connection (we have a special charcoal filter attached to make the water taste better)
Pros for Pier 32:
Close enough to base to run/bike/trolley
Fast Wi-Fi that works
New concrete docks
Dedicated water/power/dock box
Pier 32 Cons:
Outside an industrial area
The car gets dirty in the parking lot
More expensive