Aboard Astraea

Invest in experiences

August 9, 2011
by Nate

How to sail in Puget Sound in July

I was checking out Natalie’s mobile Facebook uploads and came across a picture from July. The weather here has been crazy, we’re still wearing winter clothes in summer! So here’s a blurb I’d like to call:

How to sail in Puget Sound in July

  1. Put on your winter clothes
  2. Grab a sleeping bag
  3. Have Nate do the steering
  4. Have the puppy come up and snuggle up for warmth.  It is July, you know.
  5. Enjoy the lovely weather!
Cozy in July

Koku and Natalie getting Kozy in July

August 7, 2011
by Nate

A fast week!

Monday I got special liberty to pick up Lizze from her graduation from Army Warrior Forge at joint base Lewis McChord. After the ceremony we headed straight home to change in to civvies and then head out to Diamond Knot Brewery for lunch. They serve super tasty grub served up on a 700 degree stone. You cook the stuff up yourself while enjoying a brew of your choice.

We walked around the lighthouse at Mukilteo and the wind was perfect for sailing, about 12 knots so we picked up Koku at home, rigged the boat and got underway. After sailing towards Mukilteo Natalie thought we should finally check out Jetty Island, so we tacked around and sailed up the river. There wasn’t space available at the dock so we motored over to the guest dock to walk on the pedestrian ferry. The ferry was only bringing people back from the island so we motored over after their last run and parked on the ferry spot on the dock.

When exploring the island Lizze kicked something pokey hidden in the sand so Natalie pulled out her 1st aid skills from the Air National Guard days and cleaned and bandaged her wounded toe. All the while my shaft seal has been leaking and Thursday Rick Hunter helped me adjust it so now the drip is manageable.

Everything is coming through for the move. So far with selling our stuff we’ve made over $1500. Our cruising kitty fund is growing!