Howdy from, Catalina Island off the coast of California. Friday I checked out on leave and came home to make preparations for getting underway. My cellphone fell into in the water again so I went to the Verizon store to get a new one.
We topped off our tanks and headed out of the marina at 5:45 on Friday the 21st. We motored out the bay and hoisted the mizzen and unfurled the jib. When we hit the ocean swells Natalie got seasick. She spent the remainder of the trip under a blanket in the cockpit. Sullivan didn’t show any signs of seasickness. The passage took 15 hours through the night. There wasn’t much wind, so we motored the whole way.

Sunrise after a long overnight passage
I wanted to anchor near Avalon, but couldn’t find a good spot because of the steep shelf, so we took a mooring in Hamilton Bay for 37 dollars a night. We met up with Eric and Jaime from S/V Coconutz and explored Avalon. We walked around looking at the art show and shops in town. Then we decided to hike up the hillside to check out the bell tower we heard chiming from in town. We made it to the tower, but couldn’t get close because of a fence. Luckily there was a great scenic overlook nearby.

Avalon Harbor

Sully is enjoying the trip so far