Aboard Astraea

Invest in experiences

August 21, 2012
by Natalie

Road Trip!

Sully turned 2 months old on August 11th!! That weekend we drove up to Lompoc to visit family. My Grandma from Tampa was visiting my Aunt Annemarie, who just had a baby on July 4th. Sully got to meet his Great Grammy, Great-Aunt and Uncle, and cousins Tampa and Anais! And I got to meet my new cousin Anais.

We spent a lot of time in the car that weekend, and Sully did great! He slept most of the time and was quiet the rest. Nate had to work later than planned on Friday, so we didn’t hit the road until after noon. We hit LA traffic at the worst time and sat on the freeway in the hot sun. What should have been a five hour drive ended up taking almost eight. It was great to finally get to Lompoc and get out of the car.

Nate and I meeting Anais for the first time

Nate and I meeting Anais for the first time

It was right back into the car on Saturday morning. We drove up Highway 1 to Monterey. It was a long day and has a long story to go along with it, so I’ll just say we had a nice dinner in Cannery Row, and afterwards Nate, Sully and I walked down to Fisherman’s Wharf. It was different than I remember from when I was a kid, but they still have samples of clam chowder. We walked down the pier and tried them all.

Monterey Bay

Monterey Bay

Fisherman's Wharf

Fisherman’s Wharf

It was cold! Had to keep Sully warm.

It was cold! Had to keep Sully warm.

No one wanted to get back in the car on Sunday so we just spent the day hanging out at the house and visiting. It was great to get out of town and see family.

Anais isn't very happy and Sully's not sure what's going on

Anais isn’t very happy and Sully’s not sure what’s going on

Grandma with the grandkids

Grandma with the grandkids

Annemarie with the babies and Tampa

Annemarie with the babies and Tampa

Sully looking super cute!

Sully looking super cute!

Family Picture

Family Picture – this was the best one of everyone except Anais

The babies with their faufies

The babies with their faufies

Tampa and Sully

Tampa and Sully

Great Grammy holding Sully one last time

Great Grammy holding Sully one last time