Aboard Astraea

Invest in experiences

A quick photo before everyone left after breakfast at Aunt Emma's Pancake house. Thanks for visiting!

August 2, 2012
by Nate

Nicole and Karl’s Visit to San Diego

Natalie and I got about a week of downtime without visitors after my parents left. Next up were Natalie’s sister, Nicole, and her husband, Karl. This time we stayed up in the V berth and let them have the captain’s cabin. We changed the sleeping arrangements because when we’ve had guests stay up in the V berth they have a habit of knocking their heads on the low doorway. We still hit our heads sometimes, but not as frequently as when Jeff or my parents did when they stayed in there. Nicole and Karl are both pretty tall, so that would have been a cruel berthing arrangement.

We took the boat out for a sail on Sunday with lots of visitors. Nicole’s friends Vanessa and Jasmine were in town for the weekend, and Ted and Pam were here for a couple days as well. We sailed up the bay and dropped anchor in the cruiser’s anchorage. It was pretty rolly, but we were able to relax and hang out, and make a delicious lunch.


His face doesn't show it, but he really liked meeting Aunt Nicole

His face doesn’t show it, but he really liked meeting Aunt Nicole.

Natalie and Sullivan cuddle in the Moby wrap

Natalie and Sullivan cuddle in the Moby wrap

Natalie and Sullivan cuddle in the Moby wrap

Hanging out with Grandpa in the cockpit

Sullivan works on his "What you talkin 'bout, Willis?" face.

Sullivan works on his “What you talkin ’bout, Willis?” face.

Sullivan cuddled up with his favorite hat on

Sullivan cuddled up with his favorite hat on

While I was at work, Natalie took a trip up to Cabrillo Monument in Point Loma

While I was at work, Natalie took a trip up to Cabrillo Monument in Point Loma

Sullivan dreams of someday being able to read Northwest Yachting magazine all by himself

Sullivan dreams of someday being able to read Northwest Yachting magazine all by himself

Nicole and Karl enjoyed a relaxing sail up the bay

Nicole and Karl enjoyed a relaxing sail up the bay