Two Saturdays ago, we took a trip up to Harbor Island West Marina. I got to practice singlehanding Astraea and Natalie got to practice mothering while the boat is moving. The trip up was uneventful. I motored out toward the Silver Strand, hauled up the mizzen, main and unrolled the jib. We sailed toward Harbor Island West Marina for an overnight stay. Vicky split her time down below with Natalie and Sullivan and in the cockpit with me.
We pulled in to Harbor Island and I went up to check in with the dockmaster. They were having their summer boater appreciation party and we were invited! We made it up for the tail end of the festivities. There was just enough pulled pork left for 3 more sandwiches, some potato salad and a few beers. I also found some chocolate cake for desert and that made the trip worth it for Natalie.
The next day was Father’s Day. I blew up the dinghy and went for a ride around the marina with Vicky. We stopped by the wooden ship the San Diego Maritime Museum is building, the San Salvador. That afternoon I set sail for home. When I was hoisting the main sail the block that connects to the traveler broke. Because of the casualty we ended up motoring home to keep things simple and because of all the traffic in the bay.
We had a great weekend trip and we can’t wait to go cruising again!