Aboard Astraea

Invest in experiences

February 20, 2012
by Nate Mobile

This weekend before Astraea arrives

Koku hanging out with a kayak on the putting green

Koku hanging out with a kayak on the putting green

We flew a kite yesterday. Waiting for a boat to arrive is tiresome!

We flew a kite yesterday. Waiting for a boat to arrive is tiresome!

Astraea Left Galesville, MD last Tuesday and will arrive in San Diego tomorrow!

Astraea Left Galesville, MD February 14 and will arrive in San Diego tomorrow! She rolled through Nashville, TN February 16, El Paso, TX on February 18 and tonight she's resting in El Centro, CA.

February 17, 2012
by Nate

Smells like diesel

Sheen in the water by the 600 dock. It may make for a pretty picture, but it's not good for the environment.

Sheen in the water by the 600 dock. It may make for a pretty picture, but it's not good for the environment.

When we came home on Wednesday it smelled like diesel outside and there was a sheen on the surface of the water. Even though the picture I took looks pretty, putting fuel in to the water in the marina is a federal offense. I haven’t heard anything around the docks, but my suspicion is there was a fuel leak from a tank into the bilge of someone’s boat, their bilge pump kicked on and then pumped it out in to the marina.

No update on where Astraea is, but she’s getting closer every day. This weekend I’ll put down another coat of varnish and finish installing the cockpit locker hinges. Monday’s a holiday, so I’ll get three good coats on and clean the boat up again.