December 19, 2011
by Nate
We have a copy of the mechanical survey in hand. I had Jason from the Yacht Doctor in Ventura do the survey. The results were what I expected, a 30 year old engine and it’s not coming up in RPMs.
The good news is the current owner is going to pay to make the engine run right. That’s going to involve removing the old fuel from the tanks, polishing the fuel and cleaning the tanks and then refilling. I’m glad we don’t have to do it, the down side is that we’ll be living on Airborne for a bit longer now. I was hoping to have the new boat moved down by Christmas, but now it looks like we’ll have her some time after the new year.
Here are the findings of the mechanical survey:
To whom it may concern,
On 12/8/2011 I conducted an engine survey for a 1979 Cheoy Lee sailboat on the main engine and transmission. The survey consisted of a visual inspection and dock bound running. Main engine/transmission was not inspected under full load due to lack of sea trial.
Main Engine and Transmission-
The power comes from 40hp Isuzu Marine engine coupled to a Hurth transmission. Engine oil pressure and temperature stayed within specs under test conditions. The alternator is charging at 14.3 volts. The engine hours are unknown. Could not get the engine to rev up beyond 1400 RPM in forward and not above 1800 RPM in reverse. The engine is rated to make 40 horsepower at 2800 RPM. The fuel is old and might contribute the this problem.
Inspection of engine-
1) Shaft packing is leaking – Adjust/Replace
2) Wiring harness connections are loose and there are cut wires dangling – Tighten up connections and remove unused wires
3) All sea water hoses to the engine are cracked and/or leaking – Replace
4) Fuel return line is leaking and spraying out fuel when the engine is revved up – Replace
5) Motor mounts are loose and engine appears to be out of alignment based off of the amount of shaking the engine does while in gear – Check shaft to coupler alignment, adjust as necessary
6) Heat exchanger end cap gaskets are leaking – Replace
7) The crankcase blow by smoke from the engine breathers filled the cabin. I moved the hoses to direct smoke into the intake but a more permanent solution should be found.
Recommendations and approximate prices to repair-
1) Service cooling system – Replace all engine hoses, Clean/reseal the heat exchanger – Parts $140 Labor $240
2) Repack shaft packing – Parts $10 Labor $100
3) Align shaft and the engine, secure the loose motor mounts – Labor $160
4) Replace leaking fuel hose – Parts $20 Labor $40
5) Secure wiring – Parts $15 Labor $80
6) Get rid of the old fuel and fill tank with clean new fuel
7) Secure crankcase breather hoses and/or provide better engine compartment ventilation