The stockings were hung by the bow pulpit with care, in hopes that St. Nikolas soon would be there.
A sail on Coconutz
Monday I met Eric off Coconutz for an after work sail. The days are getting shorter so we didn’t have much time. His boat is a Falmouth Cutter and he shares it with his wife, Jaime and pet bird. Once out on the water we met up with another boat from the marina and sailed back and forth across the bay. The boat kept its course well, thanks to the full keel and we had a relaxing sail as the sun set.
In other news, we’re getting closer to becoming boat owners. Marc Bay from Bay Yachts is taking care of us to help close the deal. Thursday I have a mechanical survey scheduled and I should know the results by Friday so we can rework the price. Natalie and I will be two boat owners by Christmas! I spoke with the bank and they’re ready to cut a check and the insurance company doesn’t have any issues with the boat so we’re almost there!