Aboard Astraea

Invest in experiences

December 4, 2011
by Nate

Get me off this boat!

It’s been almost a month since our offer was accepted on Miles of View. Now that we know what we’re moving off of Airborne, she keeps feeling smaller and smaller.

When are we getting this new boat?

Good news though, we may not have to sell Airborne immediately because there’s someone with a slip open who would take her as a long term loan. He’ll pay the mooring, insurance and maintenance fees in exchange for use of the boat. This will give me extra time to spruce her up for sale. He’ll come look at the boat this weekend and we’ll talk about the partnership.

A few nights ago we put up the up and over Christmas lights. Now we’re looking festive from the outside. Today we’re going stocking shopping to decorate inside. It’s hard to get in the Christmas spirit when it’s sunny and 70 outside so we’re doing our best.

Airborne, dressed up for Christmas.

December 3, 2011
by Nate Mobile

Not one of those live aboards


I never thought I’d be one of those live aboards who don’t sail much. Since we’ve lived in San Diego we’ve only gone out 3 times. I hope this changes once we get our new boat. Nothing like a good sunset to make you feel better about it though.