Aboard Astraea

Invest in experiences

The dinghy securely lashed to the forecastle to keep any rain outside

March 17, 2012
by Nate

Leaving for Lizze’s wedding

Well, I’m  bit behind. Natalie and I have been pretty busy for the past week. It started out with lots of work on Astraea’s holding tank. Natalie and I took Clay’s truck out to see a plastic  welder about making a new custom tank that matches the dimensions of the old tank. His estimate was about $1500! I’m going to see how I can fit the biggest tank made by Ronco Plastics. Bill in the marina office recommended calling ahead and driving up to the plant where they make them to save on shipping and get a factory direct price.

The dinghy securely lashed to the forecastle to keep any rain outside

The dinghy securely lashed to the forecastle to keep any rain outside

While preparing to leave San Diego we taped plastic bags over the leaky windows on Astraea. Later that night I inflated the dinghy using the electric air pump. It took just a few minutes to blow it up. Then I stored it upside down on the forecastle over a leaky hatch.

We left for Lizze’s wedding. Eric and Jaime will be taking care of Koku while we’re gone. I expect they’ll be spoiling him until we get back.

The blaze. Clay's truck is in the right hand corner of the picture.

March 10, 2012
by Nate

Fire in the Marina Parking Lot

There was a fire in the marina parking lot on Thursday! Natalie and I were away for my sister’s wedding in New York and Eric of Coconutz happened to catch the blaze on his cellphone. The fire started from an electric scooter that short circuited and spread to the nearby scooters and VW Beetle. Clay’s truck was parked on the other side of the lot from the blaze. Our cars escaped unharmed.

Eric’s blue scooter is now black and charred. I can see his ad for it on craigslist now, “For sale, used scooter. Last time I started it, it ran great. New black matte finish. $1 or best offer.”

The blaze. Clay's truck is in the right hand corner of the picture.

The blaze. Clay's truck is in the right hand corner of the picture.

The aftermath

The aftermath